New Year–New Georgia Law Forms Available Online!

January, 2012

Happy New Year!

With the start of the new year, we are committed more than ever to providing quality legal services at fair and competitive rates.  The Cobb Law Group’s virtual law platform is growing by leaps and bounds to provide clients with unbundled legal services at very affordable rates.  Today, we added more Georgia legal forms, and there will be many more added in the near future.

If you need to send a Notice to Contractor (also called a Notice to Owner or an “NTO”) in Georgia, then you’ll really appreciate these forms.  In case you aren’t familiar with NTO’s, they are written notices that all third-tier suppliers and subcontractors must send within the first 30 days that they supply or work on the project.  If the third tier supplier or subcontractor fails to send this notice, then they may not be able to file a mechanic or materialmen’s lien or make a payment bond claim.

If you need a form just follow this link to purchase Georgia Notice to Owner (NTO) forms.