On-line Forms: How To Request a Copy of a Notice of Commencement
Almost every day we receive questions about Georgia’s Notices to Owners and Notices to Contractors (“NTO”). One of the biggest pitfalls of sending out your own NTO, is that Georgia’s notice requirements mandate that information contained in the NTO must use information contained in the Notice of Commencement filed by the project’s general contractor.
For example, a supplier or subcontractor must send the Notice to Owner at the addresses contained in the Notice of Commencement. Thus, if the Notice of Commencement lists the job site as the address, but an NTO is sent to the GC’s main office address, your NTO may be defective! Similarly, if the project is commonly referred to as “ABC Project” and you used that description in your NTO, but the Notice of Commencement calls it “Super Big ABC Project # 292929″, then your NTO may be defective. Of course, we all know that a defective NTO may prevent your from filing a Mechanic’s Lien in Georgia, making a claim against the payment bond, etc. This means lost revenues for your company.
One question we get is “How do I obtain a copy of the Notice of Commencement filed by a general contractor in Georgia?”
Now, the Cobb Law Group’s Virtual Construction Law Firm can help you with this. We have just added the forms which our client’s can use to obtain copies of the Notice of Commencement on private projects, State of Georgia construction projects, and local government projects in Georgia.
To find these forms and other useful documents, click on Cobb Law Group Virtual Law Firm;
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