New Arbitration Rules for Construction Cases

August, 2014

Georgia Construction Arbitration

by Mark A. Cobb

Beginning this summer, there is a new set of supplementary rules for the arbitration of construction cases. The American Arbitration Association (AAA) promulgated these rules in an attempt to lower participants’ costs and to fast-track certain construction matters.

The new rules do not apply to arbitration claims less than $75,000; similarly, they do not apply to arbitration claims more than $5 million. Thus, the intentions are to make the process more efficient for the middle ground claims.  Some of the changes include the following:

  • there are schedules (based upon the amount of the claim) which cap the AAA Administration fees
  • statements of claims and counterclaims are limited to five pages or less
  • amendments to the complaint must be completed within 30 days of the counterclaim (unless the arbitrator extends this time)
  • within 3 days of the filing of the Demand for Arbitration, the AAA and the parties will participate in an administrative conference
  • the AAA has 2 days following the administrative conference to provide a list of at least 10 potential arbitrators to the parties
  • the maximum days for an arbitration hearing is limited to 10 days
  • the arbitrators’ study hours are capped at 40 hours
  • arbitrators’ study hours have a maximum rate of $350 per hour
  • an award must be given within360 days of the date the claim is filed
  • total arbitrator fees are capped at $52,000 (not including travel, costs & expenses)
  • conference call arbitration fees are capped
  • post-hearing reviews fees are capped
  • site visit fees are capped (for claims over $1 million, for example, site visits are limited to 8 hours of time at a maximum rate of $350 per hour)
  • parties are to provide the name of a representative (other than their attorney) to be included in all communications (it may be an officer, in-house counsel, etc.)

How Do I Claim the Benefits of the AAA Supplemental Rules? If you are interested in taking advantage of the new supplemental arbitration rules for your construction claims, then we suggest that you include a specific provision in your construction contract which states that the fee caps of the supplemental rules will apply to matters originating from your contract.

If you are already involved in an arbitration matter, then the parties to the arbitration may choose to proceed under the supplemental rules by a joint submission to the AAA.

This is just a very general overview of some of the changes which contractors involved in arbitration will see in the future, and it will take some time to determine whether the AAA’s goals of shortening the arbitration process and capping the fees on certain construction claims has been met.

If you have any comments regarding arbitrating claims between $75K and $5M with the new rules, please let us know below.